Dr Anne Badenhorst
Head of Research Program
As Head of Research Program, Anne supports AHURI's National Housing Research Program and is editor of the AHURI Final Report journal series. She works closely with our Research Centres and the policy and practice communities to deliver high quality, policy relevant and timely AHURI research.
Anne has 20 years' experience working with research partnerships across community organistions, government and education institutions. Prior to joining AHURI, Anne worked in the university sector, consulted in regional development and was involved in research projects with international and local partners.
Anne has strong analytical skills, extensive experience in the area of knowledge transfer and excellent communication skills. She is an expert in helping policy-makers, practitioners and researchers actively engage with the policy development implications of the AHURI evidence-base.
Contact Anne
e: anne.badenhorst@ahuri.edu.au
t: +61 417 549 446