Housing and housing assistance pathways with pets
Wednesday 3 March 2021
This webinar presented findings from a forthcoming AHURI research project — Housing and housing assistance pathways with companion animals: risks, costs, benefits and opportunities — led by Prof Wendy Stone, Swinburne University of Technology. This study investigates the policy and regulatory settings that shape housing options available to households that own pets. It considers housing and housing assistance contexts nationally across tenures, sectors (e.g. ownership, private rental housing), emergency/crisis accommodation and for diverse population groups receiving income and housing assistance support.
Prof Wendy Stone, Swinburne University of Technology
Professor Wendy Stone is Academic Leader of the Housing Futures Research Program within the Centre for Urban Transitions and was Director of the AHURI Swinburne Research Centre (2013 - 2020). Wendy holds numerous Category 1 competitive ARC and AHURI research grants and industry awards. She is leader of the annual national housing scholars' symposium, publishes for academic and community audiences, is engaged in policy development and debate in housing issues, is a regular media contributor and supervises higher degree research students. Specialising in the use of innovative quantitative and qualitative methodologies to address policy-oriented research questions, Wendy has an extensive policy-research record, most notably in the fields of family and community wellbeing, children/young people's housing, housing aspirations and innovative policies to address these, income, wealth and life-opportunity inequalities and social inclusion/social capital. Previously, Wendy held senior positions at the Australian Institute of Family Studies and the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI Ltd).
Kristina Vesk OAM, CEO, The Cat Protection Society of NSW (respondent)
CEO of the Cat Protection Society of NSW since late 2006, Kristina has a BA in Social Science and her professional background is in public affairs and policy in the government and not-for-profit sectors. She served as a layperson on the human research ethics committee of a Sydney teaching hospital for 10 years and in 2016 she was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia for services to animal welfare.
Dr Michael Fotheringham, Managing Director, AHURI (facilitator)
Michael is a research and policy development specialist with experience in a wide range of areas including housing and homelessness, public health, urban and community services planning. Michael has expertise in building research programs and policy agendas with not-for-profit, government and academic organisations. He currently serves on a variety of expert advisory panels including the Australian Government’s Smart Cities Reference Group, the Housing Supply Expert Panel, the Queensland Housing and Homelessness Research Alliance, The Urban Futures and Sustainable Living Expert Research Advisory Group, and the Homes for Homes Housing Advisory Group.