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Our work

Our team of specialists are expert in delivering customised research solutions and consultancy for clients across government, private and community sectors.

Find out more about how our Professional Services team can support your policy, organisation, or program.



Examples of our work


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander pathways through housing, for Indigenous Business Australia

From Homelessness to a Home program evaluation, for Homes Victoria

Queensland home ownership policy factsheet, for Q Shelter

South East Queensland Displacement Monitoring, for Q Shelter

Housing First: options and considerations for NSW, for NSW Department of Communities and Justice

Designing Australia's Public Housing, an exhibition presented by AHURI and the Alastair Swayn Foundation



Ethically Conscious Housing Initiatives, for Shelter NSW

Together Home Program - Interim Implementation Report, for the Department of Communities and Justice



Housing economics analysis, for Infrastructure South Australia

Housing First: An evidence review of implementation, effectiveness and outcomes

Evaluation of the Homelessness Industry and Workforce Development Strategy, for Homelessness NSW

Common Ground Housing Model Practice Manual, for Inner Metropolitan Partnership



Towards a Youth Homelessness Strategy for Victoria, for Melbourne City Mission

Return on investment for social housing in the ACT, for ACT Shelter

Informing the Social Infrastructure Sector Plan, for Infrastructure Australia



The role of housing insecurity and homelessness in suicidal behaviour and effective interventions to reduce suicidal thoughts and behaviours: a review of the evidence, for Suicide Prevention Australia Ltd. and National Suicide Prevention Taskforce

Trajectories, the interplay between mental health and housing pathways, with Mind Australia



Overcrowding and severe overcrowding, for NSW Department of Communities and Justice

Evaluation of the QLD Community Rent Scheme, for QLD Department of Housing and Public Works



Housing, homelessness and mental health: towards systems change, for National Mental Health Commission

Evaluation of the Sustaining Young People’s Tenancies evaluation, for QLD Department of Housing and Public Works

Housing for people with disability: evidence review of post-occupancy evaluation instruments, for Summer Foundation



Strategic analysis of Aboriginal housing in NSW, for NSW Aboriginal Housing Office



Effectiveness of the homelessness service system, for Housing and Homelessness Senior Officers Network



Literature review on the impact of demand-side housing subsidies on the housing market, for Ministry of Social Development, New Zealand


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