Government submissions
AHURI regularly contributes to public inquiries and submissions that examine a broad range of issues across the housing, homelessness, urban and cities policy arenas. Our submissions provide insight and analysis of our vast evidence-base to answer key questions posed by each inquiry. Submissions are a key means for AHURI contributing to the public policy debate and delivering policy change that will impact on the lives of Australian households.
Only submissions that have been made public by the relevant committee or agency are able to be re-published here. View our recent submissions
Senate Inquiry into the worsening rental crisis in Australia
AHURI welcomes this opportunity to provide a submission to the Senate Inquiry into “the worsening rental crisis in Australia.” As a national, independent research institute, AHURI’s mission is to deliver high quality research that influences policy development and practice change to improve the housing and urban environments of all Australians.
AHURI submission to Victoria’s Draft 30 Year Infrastructure Strategy
AHURI is pleased to make this submission in response to Infrastructure Victoria’s draft 30-Year Infrastructure Strategy for the state.
Submission on Tasmanian Housing Strategy
AHURI welcomes this opportunity to comment on the Tasmanian Housing Strategy discussion paper. This submission responds to the questions posed in the discussion paper, and points to relevant AHURI research that is relevant to the strategy.
AHURI submission to the Productivity Commission Review of the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement (NHHA)
This submission seeks to provide constructive, evidence-informed observations in response to many of the questions posed by the Issues Paper released by the Productivity Commission as part of the consultation process for the Review of the NHHA.
Inquiry into the Housing Australia Future Fund 2023 package of bills
A submission to the Senate Economics Legislation Committee’s the Housing Australia Future Fund 2023 package of bills.