Urban productivity and affordable rental housing supply

Urban productivity and affordable rental housing supply


Thursday 29 April 2021


This webinar presented findings from the AHURI research project — Urban productivity and affordable rental housing supply in Australian cities and regions — led by Prof Nicole Gurran, The University of Sydney. This study examined relationships between urban productivity and affordable rental housing, focusing particularly on the location and availability of affordable rental housing relative to employment and labour markets in Australia’s capital cities and satellite cities.


Prof Nicole Gurran, The University of Sydney

Nicole Gurran is Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Sydney, where she is Director of the Henry Halloran Trust for urban research and the University’s AHURI research centre. Her research focuses on intersections between urban planning and the housing system and she has led and collaborated on a series of studies on aspects of urban policy, housing, sustainability and planning, funded by AHURI, the Australian Research Council, as well as state and local government.


John Brockhoff, National Policy Officer, Planning Institute of Australia (respondent)

John is a planner and policy advisor in housing, infrastructure and economic development. John is National Policy Manager for the Planning Institute of Australia. John guided the preparation of PIA’s policy positions on climate change, infrastructure funding and housing diversity, the Parliamentary Inquiry into the ‘development of cities’ and PIA’s call for a ‘National Settlement Strategy’. John previously led the technical development of Sydney’s Metropolitan Strategy. He formulated NSW Government policy for urban renewal, employment lands and the integration of land use and transport. John is currently an assessor on the NSW Regional Panel and Georges River Council Planning Panel.


Dr Michael Fotheringham, Managing Director, AHURI (facilitator)

Michael is a research and policy development specialist with experience in a wide range of areas including housing and homelessness, public health, urban and community services planning. After joining the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute in 2014, he was appointed Executive Director in 2017 and is now responsible for setting the strategic direction of the Institute and leading the development of a contemporary and policy relevant evidence-base on housing, homelessness and urban issues.

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Webinar recording

29 April 2021

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Urban productivity and affordable rental housing supply in Australian cities and regions