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Best practice in engaging Indigenous communities and organisations to improve housing outcomes

The importance of embedding Aboriginal voices and perspectives in housing policy and practice is clearly recognised. There is a need to better understand how Aboriginal voices and aspirations can be embedded in the development of housing policy and programs.

With findings drawn from a literature review, expert panel and consultations, this Investigative Panel will provide new insights about how enhanced engagement with Indigenous people can be actioned to inform housing policy and practice.

The research will address the following questions:

  1. To what extent, and how, are Indigenous perspectives currently included in the development of housing policy and practice? 
  2. How can Indigenous people and communities be involved more meaningfully in creating and shaping housing policy development and service delivery? 
  3. What are best practice approaches for working with Indigenous communities and organisations to inform housing policy development and service delivery? 

The project will add significant new insights to the current, limited evidence base on how enhanced engagement with Indigenous people can, and should, be actioned in practice in order to improve housing outcomes.

Lead Researcher: Associate Professor Megan Moskos, University of Adelaide

Project Number: 31327