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Research in progress

Explore our current research projects underway, examining a range of contemporary housing and urban policy questions. Current research priorities are determined in consultation with state/territory and federal government officials, industry and non-government experts.

Incentivising small-scale investors to supply affordable private rental housing

Roughly one-third of Australian households rent their residential dwelling, and housing affordability is a particularly acute concern for low and middle-income households in the private rental sector. Among other measures, governments have sought to address the issue by incentivising greater small-scale investment in the supply of affordable rental housing through the use of tax benefits, regulatory concessions and other policy levers. These efforts have had limited success, and incentivising small-scale investment in affordable private rental housing remains a challenge.

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Inquiry into housing policy and disasters: better co-ordinating actors, responses and data

Australia is facing increased severity and frequency of rapid-impact natural hazards, including windstorms, bushfires and floods. All have the potential for substantial (and catastrophic) lasting environmental, social and economic impacts on communities and households. Associated damage to housing stock is a major aspect of concern. In enacting effective counter-measures – ranging from prevention, mitigation, preparedness, disaster response and recovery – institutional and organisational barriers are faced.

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Published Housing Research

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Cities Research Program

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Visit our cities hub and explore one of our 13 research themes.