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Research in progress

Explore our current research projects underway, examining a range of contemporary housing and urban policy questions. Current research priorities are determined in consultation with state/territory and federal government officials, industry and non-government experts.

The role of Commonwealth Rent Assistance (CRA) in housing, financial, well-being and health outcomes

Over a third of Australian households are currently private or public renters, with homeownership becoming more challenging to achieve as house price growth accelerates and income growth remains sluggish. Regardless of whether or not households aspire to homeownership, the current macroeconomic environment is characterised by rising costs of living, in part due to rising housing costs. In particular, rents currently make up around 6 percent of the CPI basket, making it the second largest household expenditure class.

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Understanding homelessness - new insights with new data

Homelessness imposes significant costs on individuals and society. This research will merge data from a Specialist Homelessness Service provider with unit record files from Australian government Linked Data to better understand the relationship between homelessness interventions, income support patterns and housing trajectories. 

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Understanding the administration of Australian housing policy

The administration of Australian housing policy is complex, multi-layered and inconsistent across states and territories. It is further complicated by the vertical fiscal imbalance and split responsibilities across the federation, and differing levels of involvement by the not-for-profit and private sectors. This results in varying levels of efficacy and efficiency, with uneven consequences for the outcomes experienced by individuals, households and communities.

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Workplace trauma on the housing and homelessness frontline

People experiencing homelessness and accessing social housing are some of the most disadvantaged members of the community, with significant experiences of trauma. This high incidence of trauma can have significant detrimental impacts on the health and wellbeing of frontline staff in these sectors.

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Published Housing Research

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Cities Research Program

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