Report Homelessness

Counting the Cost of Homelessness: A Systematic Review of Cost Effectiveness and Cost Benefit Studies of Homelessness

This research was produced with funding from the Australia Government. It reviewed evidence of the costs to a range of government services and the costs to society of homelessness, and aimed to promote innovation in policy development and in the provision of support services by identifying key intervention opportunities that might prevent the occurrence or re-occurrence of homelessness.

Published by: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited

ISBN: 1 920758 51 8


Citation: Berry, M., Chamberlain, C., Dalton, T., Horn, M., and Berman, G. (2003) Counting the Cost of Homelessness: A Systematic Review of Cost Effectiveness and Cost Benefit Studies of Homelessness, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Melbourne, https://www.ahuri.edu.au/research/other-reports/counting-the-cost-of-homelessness-a-systematic-review-of-cost-effectiveness-and-cost-benefit-studies-of-homelessness.