Photograph of Nightingale Evergreen and ParkLife. Image by Tom Ross
Report Housing markets Social and affordable housing

Ethically Conscious Housing Initiatives

Date Published: 15 Dec 2023

Authors: Sarah Oberklaid Tom Alves

Shelter NSW engaged AHURI to develop a repository of information on smaller scale initiatives that are contributing to the stock of ‘ethical’ housing models and tenure types, particularly those serving the lowest 40 per cent of income earners.

Shelter NSW is striving to expand its advocacy role in improving housing policy through a series of practical proposals to address housing insecurity across the housing system. The project is intended to assist Shelter NSW to define ‘ethical’ housing and identify housing initiatives that align with this definition.

Published by: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited


Oberklaid, S. and Alves, T. (2023) Ethically Conscious Housing Initiatives, AHURI Professional Services for Shelter New South Wales, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Melbourne,

Oberklaid, Sarah
Alves, Tom