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Report Housing aspirations and careers

The housing careers of people with a disability and carers of people with a disability

Date Published: 09 May 2009

Authors: Andrew Beer Debbie Faulkner

This research was produced with financial support from The Gandel Charitable Trust, the Helen Macpherson Smith Trust, and Supported Housing Limited. The research sought to describe the housing careers of persons affected by four different types of disability (those with impaired mobility, people with cognitive disabilities, those with psychiatric disability and those with sensory disability). It also sought to understand the housing careers of those family members with significant care responsibilities.

Published by: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited

ISBN: 1 921201 43 6


Citation: Beer, A., and Faulkner, D. (2009) The housing careers of people with a disability and carers of people with a disability, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Melbourne, https://www.ahuri.edu.au/research/research-papers/the-housing-careers-of-people-with-a-disability-and-carers-of-people-with-a-disability.

Beer, Andrew
Faulkner, Debbie