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Growing interest in social impact investments

Social impact investments pay returns for agreed social outcomes

16 Nov 2016

The recent release of the Department of Social Services report, ‘Social impact investing research’, is evidence of the growing interest in the use of social impact investment strategies by governments. These strategies, often delivered as social impact bonds, pay a return to an investor when an agreed social benefit outcome has been achieved by a service provider, such as improving conditions for people experiencing chronic homelessness.

The Department of Social Services report summarises the evidence available on various forms of social impact investment, and is designed to be a useful reference for government, philanthropy and charitable sectors.

AHURI is examining this issue through the Inquiry, ‘Social impact investment for housing and homelessness outcomes’, which is investigating the opportunities, capacities and ability of social impact investments to create social change in housing and homelessness policy in Australia.

the Inquiry ... is investigating the opportunities, capacities and ability of social impact investments to create social change in housing and homelessness policy in Australia.

The AHURI Inquiry includes a survey targeted at people and organisations in Australia that are either involved in or interested in becoming involved in social impact investment; represent a community, government or peak organisation involved with social housing or homelessness services; or are past or current tenants of social, community or affordable housing.

Complete the survey