Current housing affordability measures don’t reflect real housing costs
Most of the trade-offs lower-income households make to afford their housing costs are not accounted for in the housing affordability measurements used by policy makers, according to new AHURI research. As a result housing can appear affordable even though it is of such poor quality it affects people’s health or it is located far from employment opportunities so that householders have very high commuting costs.
Australians deserve better than low quality, inefficient housing
New AHURI Research has investigated what is needed to lift the quality of Australian housing to align with international standards.
Australian Homelessness Conference 2024 brings connection and clarity to a sector gathering momentum
The Australian Homelessness Conference 2024 wrapped up in Adelaide on Wednesday 14 August, following two days of inspiring and thought-provoking presentations and panel discussions. Attended by around 800 delegates from across the Australian homelessness sector, the conference featured nearly 90 speakers across 22 sessions, as well as a networking breakfast.
Improving ‘liveability’ is key to thriving populations in regional centres
Across Australia, governments are keen to encourage migration to regional areas, both to take the ‘pressure’ off major cities and to foster sustainable growth in regional areas. However, population change has been uneven in regional Australia, often based on push and pull factors that are specific to each particular region.
Challenge to supply affordable regional housing needs strategic focus
Government action may be necessary to unlock affordable housing supply in rural and regional housing markets, which face some different challenges - including some more adverse - than those faced by metropolitan areas, according to new AHURI research.