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news 15th June 2023 in news

National housing and homelessness policy development needs a coordinated National Strategy

A National Housing and Homelessness Strategy with a comprehensive mission to ensure everyone in Australia has adequate housing would help Australia address its housing challenges, new AHURI research has confirmed. The research, ‘Towards an Australian Housing and Homelessness Strategy’, undertaken for AHURI by researchers from UNSW Sydney and RMIT University, investigates the rationale for an Australian Housing and Homelessness Strategy and sets out options for achieving such a Strategy.

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news 8th June 2023 in news

Consumer demand for sustainable apartments not being met

Australian developers of apartment buildings need to build sustainable buildings that appeal to the demands of a wider variety of longer term buyers, including owner occupiers, ‘Build-to-rent’ investors and social housing providers, new AHURI research has found.

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