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news 9th September 2021 in news

Housing ex-prisoners reduces interactions with justice system and saves money: report

Ex-prisoners with complex support needs who receive public housing have better criminal justice outcomes than comparable ex-prisoners who receive private rental assistance only, new AHURI research has revealed. The research, ‘Exiting prison with complex support needs: the role of housing assistance’, examines the housing pathways of ex-prisoners with complex support needs.

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news 2nd September 2021 in news

Rental discrimination exacerbated by technology and informal tenancies

Although there are laws across Australia to prevent discrimination, experiences of biased and subjective behaviour by landlords, real estate agents and fellow tenants occur across Australia’s private rental sector, according to new AHURI research. The research, ‘Understanding discrimination effects in private rental housing’, examines discrimination and existing policy, law and practice in Australia’s private rental sector.

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news 27th August 2021 in news

How Australia's private rental sector compares with the world

Although Australia and Germany both exempt owner-occupied housing from capital gains and provide for negative gearing in the private rental sector, in Australia it underlies speculative inflation, while in Germany house prices are relatively steady due to a large private rental sector, low population growth, conservative lending by public financial institutions and rent regulations, AHURI research has revealed.

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news 25th August 2021 in news

Closing the Gap targets improved housing for Indigenous Australians

The National Agreement on Closing the Gap has for the first time included housing among its 16 key national socio-economic targets to improve life outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The targets in the refreshed strategy work across the following outcome areas: education, employment, health and wellbeing, justice, safety, housing, land and waters, and languages.

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