Adapting to climate change
29 February 2024:
12.00-1.30pm AEDT
Adapting to climate change - Minimising impacts of disasters on towns and cities
This webinar will explore the findings from AHURI Cities research project, Improving Australian climate change adaptation strategies: learning from international experiences.
Australia lacks a strong overarching direction in climate change adaptation, including legislation and funding. In a 2019 assessment of adaptation plans for 54 countries, Australia was the lowest performer.
The research interrogated urban adaptation strategies in three international case studies: flooding prevention in Tulsa, USA; bushfire reduction in Riba-roja de Túria, Spain; and cyclone proofing in Florida, USA. All three case studies emphasise active community participation and leadership in devising and delivering their adaptation strategies.
A key finding was that the lack of coordination between Australia’s different levels of government is a key barrier to achieving comprehensive and integrated climate change adaptation strategies in Australian cities and towns.
Discussion will focus on what Australia can do to protect and support communities to adapt to climate change and reduce the impacts of natural disasters.
View the recording
29 February 2024:
12.00-1.30pm AEDT