National Housing Conference
2-4 March, Melbourne
Resilience | Connection | Transformation
Convened every two years by AHURI, NHC was a 3-day forum that examines the latest evidence, significant policy reforms and the shining examples of best practice in delivering social and affordable housing options to Australians. More than 1,100 delegates joined us in Darwin for a memorable 2019 conference and we expected an even larger audience in Melbourne, or for the first time, online, for NHC 2022.
We were pleased to welcome the Victorian Government as the Host Partner of the 2022 National Housing Conference.
The 2022 conference examined the lessons learned for the housing sector during the global coronavirus pandemic. It also looked at how Australia’s housing system is responding to issues created by climate change – including resilience to bushfires, floods and other extreme weather events, sustainable design, and energy-efficient housing.
The conference tackled a range of priority areas including affordability and availability in the private rental market; improving links between housing and support systems, such as healthcare, education and training as well as national housing policy coordination.
View the recordings
2-4 March, Melbourne