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Report Homelessness Housing assistance and policy

The cost of homelessness and the net benefit of homelessness programs: a national study – Findings from the Baseline Client Survey

Final Report No. 205

Date Published: 16 Apr 2013

Authors: Kaylene Zaretzky Paul Flatau Anne Clear Elizabeth Conroy Lucinda Burns Bridget Spicer

This is the first of two reports from this research project. It outlines the methodological framework used, describes the homelessness support environment and reports on the Baseline Client Survey.

Published by: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited

ISSN: 1834-7223

ISBN: 978-1-922075-27-7


Citation: Zaretzky, K., Flatau, P., Clear, A., Conroy, E., Burns, L., and Spicer, B. (2013) The cost of homelessness and the net benefit of homelessness programs: a national study – Findings from the Baseline Client Survey, AHURI Final Report No. 205, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Melbourne, https://www.ahuri.edu.au/research/final-reports/205.

Zaretzky, Kaylene
Flatau, Paul
Clear, Anne
Conroy, Elizabeth
Burns, Lucinda
Spicer, Bridget