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Report Housing assistance and policy Private rental

Accessing and sustaining private rental tenancies: critical life events, housing shocks and insurances

Final Report No. 259

Date Published: 23 Dec 2015

Authors: Wendy Stone Andrea Sharam Ilan Wiesel Liss Ralston Sanna Markkanen Amity James

This report presents findings from an AHURI study on sustaining private rental tenancies. The study looked at whether targeted or integrated housing support for low to moderate-income private rental tenants at key transition points was likely to enhance their capacity to sustain tenancies and deter entry or re-entry to social housing or homelessness.

Published by: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited

ISSN: 1834-7223

ISBN: 978-1-925334-14-2


Citation: Stone, W., Sharam, A., Wiesel, I., Ralston, L., Markkanen, S., and James, A. (2015) Accessing and sustaining private rental tenancies: critical life events, housing shocks and insurances, AHURI Final Report No. 259, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Melbourne, https://www.ahuri.edu.au/research/final-reports/259.

Stone, Wendy
Sharam, Andrea
Wiesel, Ilan
Ralston, Liss
Markkanen, Sanna
James, Amity