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news 19th September 2024 in news

Current housing affordability measures don’t reflect real housing costs

Most of the trade-offs lower-income households make to afford their housing costs are not accounted for in the housing affordability measurements used by policy makers, according to new AHURI research. As a result housing can appear affordable even though it is of such poor quality it affects people’s health or it is located far from employment opportunities so that householders have very high commuting costs.

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brief 3rd September 2024 in brief

Understanding Data Sovereignty for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

The concept of Indigenous Data Sovereignty is rapidly gaining prominence, both in Australia and internationally, and is likely to have important implications for developing housing and urban policy. This AHURI Brief explains what Indigenous Data Sovereignty is and how it can be successfully incorporated into data gathering and policy development strategies of government and non-government organisations in Australia.

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Research partners

  • Curtin University
  • RMIT University
  • Swinburne University
  • Adelaide University
  • UNSW University
  • University of South Australia
  • The University of Sydney
  • University of Tasmania
  • Monash University