This project aimed to examine key concepts and identify key indicators of housing system efficiency, responsiveness, and risks, relevant to Australia. It also aimed to examine wider implications of particular housing supply settings and outcomes, for economic productivity in Australian cities and regions.
Housing markets, economic productivity, and risk: international evidence and policy implications for Australia - Volume 1: Outcomes of an Investigative Panel
Final Report No. 254
Date Published: 07 Dec 2015
Published by: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited
ISSN: 1834-7223
ISBN: 978-1-925334-09-8
Citation: Gurran, N., Phibbs, P., Yates, J., Gilbert, C., Whitehead, C., Norris, M., McClure, K., Berry, M., Maginn, P., and Goodman, R. (2015) Housing markets, economic productivity, and risk: international evidence and policy implications for Australia - Volume 1: Outcomes of an Investigative Panel, AHURI Final Report No. 254, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Melbourne,