Delivered by AHURI Professional Services
For Indigenous Business Australia
Indigenous Business Australia (IBA) engaged AHURI to jointly research how IBA can best support Indigenous Australians to access secure, affordable, and appropriate housing. The insights will inform how IBA, and other parties, can address the home ownership dilemma for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
The report highlights the following:
- housing aspirations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
- numbers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons living in different housing tenures, including documenting the significant rise in home ownership outcomes
- benefits and challenges of different tenure types for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander households.
The benefits of home ownership are considerable including security of tenure, the building of intergenerational wealth, and the autonomy to make their own choices about how to live – which is critical to self-determination. Indigenous Australians share the same aspirations as other Australians but have distinctive experiences. The number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander households in home ownership has more than tripled in 20 years. First Nations Australian homeowners are now the largest single category by tenure type. The growth reflects a strong desire in First Nations communities to own their own homes.
The research also builds an understanding of the potential business and investment opportunities to assist the market supply secure and affordable rental properties to support the transition pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people into home ownership.