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brief 6th December 2022 in brief

Head leasing for older renters

In head leasing, a housing agency (which could be a not-for-profit, for-profit or a government organisation) leases a property from a property owner and then on-leases the property to the tenant. The housing agency is responsible for making sure the landlord is paid rent at the correct time, that the property is treated with care and that leases, legalities and repairs are negotiated fairly with the landlord.

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brief 1st December 2022 in brief

Rental brokerage officer to manage tenancies for older renters

Private rental brokerage programs (PRBPs) work with vulnerable households to access and sustain private rental tenancies through targeted early intervention assistance (e.g. advice, information, introductions and timely support) designed to build tenancy capacity and through building links with the local private rental industry so that they can compete successfully for rental properties in a competitive market and sustain their tenancies over the longer term. The programs help lower income tenants, including older tenants, who are less able to be successful in accessing housing in the market.

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brief 1st December 2022 in brief

Improving CRA could help older tenants in the private rental market

Life course changes associated with older age such as widowhood, disability and frailty suggest a need for a range of rental housing options. These include a private rental sector (PRS) that can support older tenants living in the general community, as well as options such as communal self-contained living spaces that provide some level of companionship, practical support and assistance with daily living, through to facilities that combine health care, personal care and accommodation.

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brief 24th November 2022 in brief

Public Private Partnerships to develop affordable housing

Australia's affordable housing industry, where community housing providers (CHPs) supply affordable rental housing to households on low incomes, has, up to now, been modest and small scale. In order to expand so as to supply the large numbers of lower income households currently on waiting lists for public and community housing, the industry will need access to a large scale, dependable and sustainable source of finance that is available at an appropriate interest rate. 

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brief 22nd November 2022 in brief

Can welfare reform really give consumers housing choice?

In countries such as the UK, the USA and Denmark there have been moves towards more individualised packages of support for people who require assistance due to older age, disabilities, homelessness, health issues and a range of other vulnerabilities. The aims are to give people greater control over their own lives; promote personal responsibility; develop a diverse range of services which can meet needs in a more customised way; diversify service provision through the involvement of a range of private and not-for-profit providers; and make government assistance more cost-effective.

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