Out-of-home care
A temporary, medium or long-term living arrangement for children and young people who cannot live in their family home. Housing can be in:
- Foster care: a child is taken into care by a foster carer who has been trained and approved to look after children.
- Kinship care: a child is taken into care by a relative or family friend allowing them to remain within the family or local network.
- Permanent care: a child is placed into the care of a permanent carer (including foster or kinship carers where it is intended the child will remain in their care until age 18 or beyond) prior to a Permanent Care Order being made by the Children's Court.
- Residential care: a young person is placed into a home staffed by carers.
See crowding
Owner occupier
See tenure types
Owner-purchaser or purchaser-owner
Owner-purchaser (or purchaser-owner) includes homeowners who are still paying for their home through a mortgage and those homeowners who own their home outright.