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Report Private rental Housing assistance and policy Non shelter outcomes

The implications of loss of a partner for older private renters

This report aims to examine the effects of divorce, separation or bereavement on the housing and related financial circumstances of people aged 50 or over in different housing tenures, and in particular those on income support payments.

Published by: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited

ISSN: 1834-7223

ISBN: 1-921201-48-7


Citation: Wood, G., Chamberlain, C., Babacan, A., Dockery, M., Cullen, G., Costello, G., Nygaard, C., Stoakes, A., Adam, M., and Moloney, K. (2008) The implications of loss of a partner for older private renters, AHURI Final Report No. 116, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Melbourne, https://www.ahuri.edu.au/research/final-reports/116.