This research investigates the housing aspirations of mid-life Australians: those aged 35 to 54 years, with a focus on low to moderate-income households.
Mid-life Australians aged 35–54 years make up 34 per cent of all adult residents and account for more than six million individuals. Mid-life housing aspirations are related to key priorities that centre around consolidation of employment, wealth and property; caring for children and family life and/or assisting parents and kin as they age; as well as preparation for retirement years and later-life.
Eighty per cent of surveyed 35–44 year olds and 93 per cent of 45–54 year olds indicated that a detached or semi-detached house was what they aspired to. The aspects of a house identified as important related directly to the liveability of dwellings: adequate number of bedrooms; dwelling quality and condition; and dwelling security.
Ownership was favoured by a large majority of mid-life households, however living with children was associated with a higher desire for home ownership relative to those without. Close to a third of mid-life households favour middle/outer suburbs and over a third (35%) favour regional living, indicating that a preference for larger allotments dominates the preferences of mid-life households,
Owners (with or without a mortgage) are most likely to report their current dwelling will meet their future housing aspirations (66%), followed by households living in social housing (60%). These tenures provide affordability in the long-run as well as relative security of tenure. In comparison, only 45 per cent of mid-life households living in the private rental sector believe their current housing will adequately meet their longer term housing aspirations.