Hands sorting through research

AHURI announces the research projects funded in the 2023 National Housing Research Program 

13 Apr 2023

AHURI is pleased to announce the two AHURI Inquiries and research projects funded in the 2023 National Housing Research Program (NHRP). The Inquiries are supported by coordinated research projects, bringing to 14 the total number of research projects being funded. A further 2 projects are currently being refined, and are expected to be funded shortly.

‘AHURI is looking for solutions for many of the worst problems facing Australia’s housing systems; in particular the two Inquires are investigating topics of national importance,’ says Dr Michael Fotheringham, Managing Director of AHURI. ‘The AHURI Inquiry into improving housing outcomes during natural disasters is a key for how we, as a nation, respond to the floods, fires, and other natural disasters that have affected so many over the last few years, and are likely to impact many more into the future. The AHURI Inquiry into resourcing for sustainable and effective Indigenous housing is vital in findings ways to improve and expand housing outcomes for Indigenous Australians across the country.’

The 2023 NHRP Inquiries and research projects will deliver findings from 2024 and will make significant contributions to Australia’s housing and homelessness policy development for many years to come.

AHURI Inquiries

AHURI Inquiry into housing policy and disasters: better co-ordinating actors, responses and data

This Inquiry will improve housing policy relating to disaster preparedness, prevention, mitigation, response and recovery, and is supported by three research projects:

  • Integrating housing policy, settlement planning, and disaster prevention, preparedness and response
    This project investigates the role of housing policy and settlement planning in disaster preparedness and recovery, focusing on federal, state and local government responsibilities and institutional arrangements, planning coordination, disaster response and wider stakeholder involvement. Lead Researcher: Professor Jago Dodson
  • Enhancing housing recovery policy and practice for improving community resilience to future disasters
    This project examines how the substantial amounts of funding provided for post-disaster housing recovery programs enable or constrain resilience to future disasters and identifies local policy and actions for strengthening community resilience. Lead Researcher: Professor David Sanderson
  • Improving coordination of data and actors for disaster-responsive housing and safer communities 
    This project investigates how to better coordinate data and organisations to deliver improved, evidence-based decision-making to reduce and mitigate the impact of disasters on housing. Lead Researcher: Dr Francesca Perugia  

AHURI Inquiry into developing a long-term governance and resource framework for sustainable and effective Indigenous housing 

This Inquiry will develop a long-term vision and framework to better support Indigenous housing, and is supported by two research projects:

  • Supporting self-determination in Indigenous housing policy, provision and outcomes
    This project investigates how self-determination can be best supported in Indigenous housing policy, provision and outcomes. Lead Researcher: Professor Michael Dockery
  • Supply, management and resourcing of Indigenous housing 
    This project explores how Indigenous housing is best resourced, supplied and managed. Lead Researcher: Mr Richard Benedict

Research projects

The changing geography of homelessness in Australia (2001–2021) and its structural drivers 
This project analyses the changing geography of homelessness and its structural drivers between 2001–2021, so as to inform service provision and affordable housing and homelessness policies. Lead Researcher: Dr Deb Batterham

Disruption in regional housing: policy responses for more resilient markets
This project provides up-to-date insights into the dynamics of regional housing and how best to bring about positive change. Lead Researcher: Professor Andrew Beer

Planning for a two tenure Australia
This project helps governments and stakeholders to manage a two-tenure housing system where more people rent—mapping the current and future tenure landscape; understanding rapidly changing preferences; providing a policy guide; and estimating costs and benefits of action and inaction. Lead Researcher: Professor Emma Baker

Understanding the administration of Australian housing policy
This project identifies the optimal administration arrangements for the delivery of efficient, effective housing policy within a federal system, taking account the surrounding economic, social and political context, now and into the future. Lead Researcher: Dr Kathleen Flanagan

Housing temporary migrants: investigating challenges and policy opportunities
This project examines the housing experiences of temporary visa holders in Australia and will provide a set of policy and practice recommendations for improving housing outcomes. Lead Researcher: Dr Debbie Faulkner

Evaluating machinery of government arrangements for housing policy administration
This project develops a framework for classifying and evaluating different models of public administration for housing policy, based on international models and Australia’s historical experience. Lead Researcher: Associate Professor Joshua Newman

Nothing about us, without us: lived experience participation in housing and homelessness 
This project explores the participation of people with lived experience of housing precarity and homelessness in housing and homelessness policy and service design and delivery. Lead Researcher: Associate Professor Robyn Martin

Incentivising small-scale investors to supply affordable private rental housing
This project examines how governments at different jurisdictional levels can encourage small-scale investors to provide affordable rental housing in regional areas and major cities, demonstrate economic and social payoff to governments and determine policy options. Lead Researcher: Associate Professor Akshay Vij

A national roadmap for improving the building quality of Australian housing stock
This project provides a roadmap for the implementation of a best-practice Australian housing standard, including a means to address problems of an aged and ill-performing housing stock across both the rented and privately owned sectors. Lead Researcher: Dr Lyrian Daniel