National Housing Conference 2023: A Way Forward
Please find the PowerPoint presentations from the National Housing Conference 2023. Please note not all speakers used presentations. The recorded sessions are available to view on the AHURI You Tube channel.
Tuesday 10 October 2023
Sunrise Session Measuring what matters: Demonstrating the value created by well-designed social and affordable housing - Christian Nygaard
Major Concurrent 1: Financing and investing in new housing supply - Carolyn Viney
Major Concurrent 2 Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander home ownership - Kirsty Moore
Major concurrent 2 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander home ownership - Melanie Jones
Major Concurrent 3 State of the cities - David O'Loughlin
Concurrent 1 Cross sector collaboration for better renting experience - Paul Tommasini & Laura Valenti
Concurrent 1 Cross sector collaboration for better renting experiences - Ollie Sutherland
Concurrent 2 Housing and climate - retrofit and circular economy perspectives - Joe Noone
Concurrent 2 Housing and climate - retrofit and circular economy perspectives - Rachel Trinder
Concurrent 3 Australian Housing First experiences - Anne Kirwan
Concurrent 3 Australian Housing First experiences - Humair Ahmad
Concurrent 3 Australian Housing First experiences - Sherri Bruinhout
Concurrent 4 Housing solutions for young people leaving care in remote communities - Andrew Kazim
Concurrent 4 Housing solutions for young people leaving care in remote communities - Emily Dewar
Concurrent 4 Housing solutions for young people leaving care in remote communities - Marcia Gerrard
Concurrent 6 Boosting home ownership through shared equity - Mike Myers
Concurrent 6 Boosting home ownership through shared equity - Rachel Ong Viforj
Concurrent 6 Boosting home ownership through shared equity - Tim Buskens
Think Tank 1 Innovative practices in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander housing - Danielle Gentles
Think Tank 1 Innovative practices in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander housing - Heather McRae
Think Tank 1 Innovative practices in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander housing Natalie Clark & Melanie Goldstein
Think Tank 1 Innovative practices in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander housing - Maxine Carlton, Michael Klerck, Clive Rosewarne
Wednesday 11 October
Sunrise Session - From across the ditch - Lucy Telfar Bernard
Sunrise Session - From across the ditch - Amber Logan
Sunrise Session 3 From across the ditch - Natalie Allen
Concurrent 7 Embedding the voices of lived experience in policy making, program design and quality improvements - Daniel Robertson
Concurrent 8 Better access to housing for people living with mental health issues - Jane Cunningham
Concurrent 8 Better access to housing for people living with mental health issues - Mark Heeney
Concurrent 8 Better access to housing for people living with mental health issues - Tracey Hocking
Concurrent 9 Towards better renting experiences - Jennifer Beveridge
Concurrent 9 Towards better renting experiences - Alyce Holmes
Concurrent 9 Towards better renting experiences - Samantha Watson
Concurrent 10 New models for youth housing - Combined presentation
Concurrent 11 Escaping violence - Carolyn Curry
Concurrent 11 Escaping violence - Dorothee Crawley
Concurrent 12 Designing better homes for older Australians living in social housing - Sophie Dyring
Concurrent 12 Designing better homes for older Australians living in social housing - Luke Garswood
Concurrent 12 Designing better homes for older Australians living in social housing - Cassandra Politanski
Think Tank 2 Collaboration in a time of crisis - Michelle Coats, Adam Klaproth, Dave Grenfell
Think Tank 2 Collaboration in a time of crisis - Annie Taylor & James Cameron
Think Tank 2 Collaboration in a time of crisis - Dean Sullivan
Ministerial address by The Hon Meghan Scanlon
Thursday 12 October
Major Concurrent 4 Planning and design - John Brockhoff
Major Concurrent 4 Planning and design - David Islip
Major Concurrent 5 New thinking in regional housing - Sarah Amos
Major Concurrent 5 New thinking in regional housing - Kayla Clanchy
Major Concurrent 5 New thinking in regional housing - Steve Dunn
Major Concurrent 6 Housing systems and structural change - Amy Hains
Major Concurrent 6 Housing systems and structural change - Nicola Foxworthy
Major Concurrent 6 Housing systems and structural change Jennifer Michelmore
Concurrent 13 Aboriginal Community Housing - a specialist sector - Alisi Tutuila
Concurrent 13 Aboriginal Community Housing - a specialist sector Tina Ugle, ACHO Prospectus
Concurrent 14 Placemaking and community building - Jayden Battey
Concurrent 14 Placemaking and community building - Sarah Buckeridge
Concurrent 14 Placemaking and community building - Lee-anne Khor
Concurrent 14 Placemaking and community building - Trudi Ray
Concurrent 15 The building roles of local governments - Humair Ahmad
Concurrent 15 The building roles of local governments - Glenn Menner
Concurrent 15 The building roles of local governments - Heather Shearer
Concurrent 16 Improving outcomes in social housing - Syed Imran Haider
Concurrent 16 Improving outcomes in social housing - Elizabeth Kelso
Concurrent 17 Head leasing programs - Rebecca Pinkstone
Concurrent 17 Head leasing programs - Teresa Read
Concurrent 17 Head leasing programs - Harry Smith
Think tank 3 Repurposing property - Ben Moore & Dan Cox
Think tank 3 Repurposing property - Simone Parsons